Now this is interesting. No more consoles eh? I think this is definitely possible, but I'm not economically savvy enough to analyze how likely it is to happen. Technically, it's a great idea -- put all the processing and video rendering of a game on a humongoid server which instantly reads your input, then streams the visual information over highspeed internet to your low processing-power receiver unit. This is seemingly an incredibly efficient and resource-saving solution, but who knows what the reality would be. There also MANY potential fubars (server crashes, internet inconsistency, hacking concerns) which could render the entire system unplayable and unleash a legion of angry pasty nerdos with pitchforks (I would be leading, torch in hand). Plus I imagine that would decrease the price of console units sold, which I assume is a large part of revenue, so it may not benefit the companies as much... however there would likely be a monthly fee which would prolly make up the difference. Whooo knows, what do you think?Here's a new take on energy saving! WTF how retarded can you get. ELECTROCUTING you if it decides you have no need for more light.... HRM doesnt that USE MORE electricity??? ugh.
And lastly, some geeky April Fool's ideas. I love the blue screen of death one, and I'm definitely keeping that website onhand BAHAHAHA.
painful howling!!
ROCK BAND! This game is so much fun, even for those of us with pitch problems. The drums are the highlight for me personally. Everyone knows it's quite therapeutic smashing things with a stick without any social stigma... not that social stigma has every stopped me =) I just have to say thank god we have apparently deaf downstairs neighbors. That footpedal is my downfall tho... FRUSTRATION! ::Phoenix Wright pose:: The 360 Fender Stratocaster guitar is big and heavy, takes a little getting used to since the strum bar doesn't click, but I'm sure it just takes practice. The solo keys are fun to play with though... you don't have to strum during the complicated solo sequences, just hit the notes right!!
My only qualm about the game is the typical pitch-oriented karaoke system. It has the same setup as the Singstar Series, you know, the little nodes that you have to pitch your voice to. However, most rock songs, which make up hrmm ALL the songs on the game are really not about perfect pitch. Singing rock songs, you want to be able to belt and wail it out! But the pitch system requires you to sing the full note with a consistent pitch, making most people sound like a 6-yr old girl singing Twinkle Twinkle to the tune of Black Hole Sun....
The game itself seems to be FULL o'Content. The campaign carries you through lots of rewards like tour buses and roadies, and the characters appearances seem endlessly customizable with LOTS of hair styles, outfits, accessories etc. However, you also have to unlock songs in Solo/Band World Tour before getting access to the full song list, so you can't just pick up the game, invite a bunch of friends and play all your favorite songs until you've played the campaign a while.
In any case, I still only currently have the game disc (complete with GIGANTIC spiral scratch straight from the factory, resulting in frequent disc interruptions ugh) and no peripherals, we've just been borrowing them from friends. Although you can use the standard xbox 360 mic, I still need to get hold of the drum and guitar. I'll prolly just buy the whole shebang when I'm gainfully employed again. Keep an eye out for deals for me!
look who's posting after all this time... might as well since i am a broke and unemployed loser. cross your fingers for my interview next week! and... rub a rabbit's foot while killing a black cat with a horseshoe that this "environmental resources specialist" position isn't actually a euphemism for "sewage collector."
isn't this just indescribably beautiful...? i have no idea where it is tho, i'll hunt down the location when mom gets back in the country. mom and dad took these in China last time she went to check on grandma. ... she died this tuesday. mom went to china right away to take care of arrangements. ..... i think that's all i'll say about that for now.